
Comet was another guest of the Manhattan Center for Animal Care and Control. After a brief stay, he was sprung by our Staten Island volunteer, Kevin Lewis. Comet spent quite a few weeks at Kevin's, during which time, he repeatedly took issue with Kevin's Border Collies over food! We quickly branded Comet "food aggressive". When Tanya Bryan and I picked him up from Kevin's, along with Chloe, we were expecting the worst! But, we were delighted with Comet's friendly nature and outgoing personality -- although he did not ingratiate himself too much with Tanya when he puked all over her backseat. Comet's next stop was foster care at Lynn Esty's in Vermont. The Esty's drove down to Quincy, Massachusetts, to pick up Comet and Juno, and I gave Lynn the entire "food aggressive" lecture. Lynn called me the next day, scoffing...."Puhleeze"...she said...."Comet is the biggest mushy baby! No food issues at all." Go figure. After a short stay at Lynn's, an ideal home for Comet turned up!. Dr. Bob Hesse and his wife, Lucille, of central Massachusetts, seemed like the perfect parents for Comet. Lynn Esty arranged the adoption and the Hesses went to meet their new Eski in Vermont. It was love at first sght! Here is what Dr. Bob tells us:


When we visited Lynn Esty in Vermont and met Comet, it was love at first sight. His playful personality and sweet temper were captivating, and he reacted well when introduced to our small Sheltie, Lassie. I was delighted to find that he allowed me, a complete stranger, to prevent him licking and chewing a recent injury without a threat or growl. He didn't want to leave in the car, but my wife, Lucille, sat with and comforted him and he rode home quietly. He quickly became accustomed to our home and the second night joined us on our bed. (Since he was wearing an "Elizabethan" collar this was quite an event! When the Elizabethan eventually came off we were as relieved as he.) From the beginning his attitude was loving and ingratiating, but as he gradually sensed that we were "his people" and would keep him (no matter what), his mischievous side began to appear. For a time he became quite insistent in informing me that I had finished my meal and that it was time to "sweeten" his. He seems incorrigibly committed to probing the contents of the kitchen waste basket and exploring the kitchen stove, counters, and dining table for delicacies. He is quite dexterous at this and, most recently, climbed onto my chair, reached over my place, and finished off a pan of raviolis (without disturbing my plate, pile of correspondence, or the wine glass over which he must have reached). He shows considerable guilt and remorse when confronted with this behavior, but little inclination to mend his ways. He loves to play, but is learning that there is a time and place. In spite of his great energy he never challenges us and accepts scolding, correction and restraint gracefully. He and Lassie have adapted well to one another and most important of all, he and our three year old grandson, Jake, got on splendidly from the beginning. Jake refers to him as the "white doggie with the black nose and pink under-ears." In many ways Comet embodies some of the most endearing qualities of the past dogs we've lost along with his own sweet ways and a lively personality distinctly his. As Rick says at the end of Casablanca, "This looks like the beginning of a beautiful relationship."

Bob Hesse

June 9, 2001

Dear Audra,

Thank you so much and thanks to all who helped you to rescue Comet in New York. We love having him with us. I am sending a picture of Comet visiting with us in Pennsylvania with my grandson. We brought our Sheltie along with us - both dogs travelled well. And we visited with a Golden Retreiver. We suffered only one or two minor misunderstandings among the doggies. They got on well. Thank you and your group again for the wonderful work you do!

Lucille Hesse